Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Task 9 Proposal

Monday, 29 December 2014

Task 8 Audience Research

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Thursday, 18 December 2014

Task 7 Questionnaire Evaluation

Task 7 Questionnaire Tally Charts/Graphs

Task 7 Questionnaire Tally Tables

Task 7 Blank Questionnaire

Task 6

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

TASK 5 (PART 2) Choosing A Sub-genre

Monday, 17 November 2014

TASK 5 - Research Into Similar Music Magazines

Reflection 1


Friday, 7 November 2014

TASK 4B - Musical Sub-genre

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Research Into Music Industries And Institutions

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Analysis Of Kerrang Double Page Spread

Analysis Of Kerrang Contents Page

Analysis Of Kerrang Cover Page

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Analysis of Classic FM Double Page Spread

Analysis Of Classic FM Contents Page

Analysis Of Classic FM Cover Page

Identify The Elements That Connect The 3 Different Parts Of The Magazine

Analysis Of NME Double Page Spread

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Analysis of NME Contents Page

Analysis of NME Cover Page

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Initial Introductory Task 1 - Questions About Music Magazines (Front Covers)

Initial Introductory Task 1 - General Questions About Music Magazines

Thursday, 16 October 2014


Music Magazine

I will be producing a new music magazine, based on a specific genre of music. This magazine will include a cover, contents page and a double page spread. In order to produce this, I will be using Photoshop for image manipulation and InDesign for page layout and design features for both the contents page and article.

Thursday, 9 October 2014

Final Magazine - Contents

Final Magazine - Cover

Evaluation Question 2

Evaluation Question 1

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Construction Printscreen

Construction Print Screens

Monday, 6 October 2014

Magazine Pictures


This image incorporated the college colours, purple and green. Thus, creating mise-en-scene, to demonstrate a personal and mysterious feel. This personal feel is reflected by the feature (Joellen) in the main image. By including a student, there is an immediate connection between the magazine and its target audience.


This image made a personal and direct link between the front cover and the contents page, which highlights a consistency throughout the magazine, so that the target audience are able to recognise a specific house style. Also, by presenting a consistency it is clear to the audience what the intended purpose is, which is important in relation to the codes and conventions of magazine design.

The use of student’s work highlights the persona of the magazine. The personal connection between the magazine and the target audience makes the intended purpose clear, so that the reader is more likely to purchase the magazine. Also, by featuring a student’s work it creates awareness for the college’s own respected students and their work.

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Booking Sheet

Student Risk Assessment 2



Location:  Media Studies
Inside the Art and Design Block
Task being assessed: Students taking photos in college
General Risk assessment
Student Name: Emily Fish


Regardless of control measures
Persons at risk
Worst outcome
Risk Rating
Existing control measures taken against the risk
What further control measures are required when and by whom
1. Could collide with the corners of table.
2. Drawings on the wall could fall off/start to peel.
1. St
2. St, Sf, V
1. NR
2. NR
1. U
2. R
1. E
2. D
1. Be aware of surroundings and take photos in a clear space.
2. Check that the environment is secure and the drawings are safely attached to the wall.
1. Move furniture, in order to clear an appropriate space.
2. N/A
Sf = staff
St = students
Cr = contractors
Cl = cleaners
V = visitors
D = people with disabilities
X = young/inexperienced
L = lone workers
W = women of child-bearing age
*2  This is without control measures
F = fatal
Maj = major injury or permanent disability
Min = minor injury
NR = non-reportable
*3  This is with control measures in place
Fr = frequent/likely/could occur repeatedly/expected
Pr = probable/not surprised/might occur often
Ps = possible/could occur sometime
R = remote/unlikely but conceivable
U = unlikely/improbable such that likelihood is almost zero
Risk Rating
A = Highly likely
B = Likely
C = Even chance
D = Unlikely
E = Highly Unlikely


Student Risk Assessment 1



Location:  Media Studies
Gardens outside of the Art and Design Block.
Task being assessed: Students taking photos in college
General Risk assessment
Student Name: Emily Fish


Regardless of control measures
Persons at risk
Worst outcome
Risk Rating
Existing control measures taken against the risk
What further control measures are required when and by whom
1. Collide with the bird feeder.
2. The grass is wet, so someone could potentially slip over.
3. Leaves could make the ground uneven/unsteady.
1. St
2. St
3. St
1. Min
2. Min
3.. Min
1. U
2. R
3. U
1. E
2. D
3. E
1. Check for surroundings and that we are stood clear of the bird feeder.
2. Take care when walking on the grass (walk slowly).
3. Clear the area of leaves.
1. Move the bird feeder whilst we are taking pictures.
2. Wear suitable footwear and only proceed with photography when the ground is dry.
3. N/A
Sf = staff
St = students
Cr = contractors
Cl = cleaners
V = visitors
D = people with disabilities
X = young/inexperienced
L = lone workers
W = women of child-bearing age
*2  This is without control3measures
F = fatal
Maj = major injury or permanent disability
Min = minor injury
NR = non-reportable
*3  This is with control measures in place
Fr = frequent/likely/could occur repeatedly/expected
Pr = probable/not surprised/might occur often
Ps = possible/could occur sometime
R = remote/unlikely but conceivable
U = unlikely/improbable such that likelihood is almost zero
Risk Rating
A = Highly likely
B = Likely
C = Even chance
D = Unlikely
E = Highly Unlikely


Location Reccee

This image incorporates a college student, which corresponds to my main cover line, as it is personal and features the person herself, directly addressing the target audience. Also, the background colours, purple and green, relate to the colour scheme I am going to use throughout my cover page, which will sustain a consistent house style.


            This background would express the work of students, so it is personal and immediately engages with the target audience, as they would be able to recognise their own work or work of friends. This personal sense of the magazine would create a mise-en-scene, as it denotes hard work, commitment and determination, as well as artistic creativity.

Drafted Designs of Contents Page

Draft Design of Cover

Thursday, 18 September 2014

College Magazine Research

The first magazine demonstrates a successful form of direct address, as the girl who features in the main image makes clear eye contact with the target audience. This is important as it immediately engages the reader with the magazine. Additionally, the main image is well cropped and centred, so in terms of the Rule of Thirds, her face would fit into the centre of the grid, which is important for the magazine's layout. The cover lines and Masthead are also relevant to the house style, as there is a clear colour scheme and simplistic, yet professional layout, which is suitable for its intended audience and purpose. In addition, the cover lines, such as 'Lucy's Path' are personal and positive, which in relation to the main image engages the reader and is relevant to the target audience, as the fellow College Students can relate to the feature's College Lifestyle.

On the other hand, the feature in the final magazine fails to make any contact with the target audience, which denotes a negative persona, as it suggests the boy in the main image is not really interested. In relation to the main image, the cover lines are poorly arranged around the main image, as some words run onto the next line, there is poor grammar and the colour does not correspond with the house style; whilst there is a lack of consideration for the Rule of Thirds, since they are all arranged to the left of the main image. Also, in terms of the house style, the masthead should follow the appropriate conventions and be presented in bold at the top of the page, rather than on the side, which can make it difficult to be recognised by the target audience. Whilst the colour choice is unappealing, as the colour green has been overused and without the use of different graphics and fonts, the cover appears boring.

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

A Little Bit About Me

Hello, my name is Emily Fish and this is my first time doing Media Studies, as I was unable to choose it as an option at GCSE. So far I have thoroughly enjoyed the course and look forward to continuing with my coursework. Thus, I hope to achieve high grades in AS and A2, as I believe it will be an important qualification to pursue in a career in journalism. This career choice was partially influenced by media texts, as I enjoy reading various magazines, such as 'Company', as well as enjoy watching films. Moreover, I am quite a confident person and like to participate in a range of activities, which is demonstrated by my former roles at Secondary School, including Head Girl. Therefore, I feel these attributes will help me to succeed in my A Levels.

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