College Magazine Research
The first magazine demonstrates a successful form of direct address, as the girl who features in the main image makes clear eye contact with the target audience. This is important as it immediately engages the reader with the magazine. Additionally, the main image is well cropped and centred, so in terms of the Rule of Thirds, her face would fit into the centre of the grid, which is important for the magazine's layout. The cover lines and Masthead are also relevant to the house style, as there is a clear colour scheme and simplistic, yet professional layout, which is suitable for its intended audience and purpose. In addition, the cover lines, such as 'Lucy's Path' are personal and positive, which in relation to the main image engages the reader and is relevant to the target audience, as the fellow College Students can relate to the feature's College Lifestyle.
On the other hand, the feature in the final magazine fails to make any contact with the target audience, which denotes a negative persona, as it suggests the boy in the main image is not really interested. In relation to the main image, the cover lines are poorly arranged around the main image, as some words run onto the next line, there is poor grammar and the colour does not correspond with the house style; whilst there is a lack of consideration for the Rule of Thirds, since they are all arranged to the left of the main image. Also, in terms of the house style, the masthead should follow the appropriate conventions and be presented in bold at the top of the page, rather than on the side, which can make it difficult to be recognised by the target audience. Whilst the colour choice is unappealing, as the colour green has been overused and without the use of different graphics and fonts, the cover appears boring.